Mailing lists differ from Newsgroups mainly in that they can be closed groups with restricted readerships. eg, women-only. The disadvantage of mailing lists is that they deliver straight into your mailbox which may become tiresome if the volume (number of messages) is large every day.
Always read the list for a few days first to get a 'feel' for its style & content, and also read the FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions for the list if there is one.
As with newsgroups, some mailing lists are archived by search engines which means that the list contents can be searched by anyone. Most lists also have public readership lists - if you are worried about the world knowing that you subscribe to a particular list, check the lists' policy on making the readership list available to people who aren't on the list. You may be interested in a free mail account from
Top mailing list search/information sites include Liszt, List of Lists
and Publicly Accessible Mailing Lists. There are tens of thousands of mailing lists - many of them local to a particular region (eg, a particular department of a university).
Lists of relevant mailing lists are also maintained at The Bisexual Option and the Bisexual Resource Centre.
Worldwide groups
- Bisexu-L
Mailing list for discussion of issues of bisexuality.
For the theoretical discussion of bisexuality and gender issues.
- Wombat
Women of Beauty and Temptation list for Bi and Bi-friendly women.
- BiAct-L
Bisexual activists' discussion list.
- BiFem-L
BiFem-L mailing list for Bi women and Bi-friendly women.
- BiWorld
For international bi issues, or announcements that could draw an international audience.
- Gay Sports
Devoted to gay, lesbian, and bisexual sports topics.
- GayNet
This is a list about gay, lesbian and bisexual concerns (with a focus on college campuses), including (but not limited to) outreach programs, political action, AIDS education, dealing with school administrations, social programs, and just finding out what other support groups are doing.
- lesac-net
This list is open to self-identified lesbians or bisexual women who are academics.
- Lesbians in Science
- International Lesbian Avengers
Lesbian Avengers around the world, here is the ultimate networking tool!
- Lesbian News list
Facilitates the exchange of news, announcements and information relevant to lesbians and bisexual women.
- Gay/Lesbian/Bi/Trans YOUTH!
Selection of queer youth mailing lists
- BiW-MP
For bisexual women in relationships with men.
- Bi-BBW
- List for Bisexual Big Beautiful Woman (BBW) and those
women who love them, regardless of size or sexual orientation.
- disabled-bi
List for Disabled Bisexuals to chat and network in an atmosphere
of understanding and love.
- GLBknit
Gay, Lesbian & Bi Knitters e-mail List
- bipress
List for Bisexual newsletter editors and reporters, sharing bi news.
- bothsidesnow
OneList list for bisexuals who love indie/alternative music.
- BiFem.Net lists
Range of bisexual and lesbian mailing lists provided by BiFem.Net.
- bi-pagan
List for bisexual pagans, and for the discussion of bisexuality and paganism, and bi spirituality generally.
- Queerchoice Mailing List
A radical mailing list for proud queers who feel the "We can't help it,
we were born that way" response to homophobia is cowardly and inaccurate.
National/local groups
- uk-bi
Long established list for UK bisexuals.
- uk-bipride
Discussions on bisexual involvement in UK Pride events.
- uk-smbi
For discussions about SM-bisexuality, or of interest to SM bisexuals in the UK.
- uk-smbi
For announcements about SM-bisexuality, specifically of interest to SM bisexuals in the UK.
- euro-bi
For discussions about bisexuality, or of interest to bisexuals, specifically
related to the UK and the rest of Europe.
- Cambridge Bi group
For discussions by group members, Cambridge UK.
- Cambridge University LesBiGay society
Announcements & chat mailing lists for this student group.
- NewBiLes
Newnham College Bisexual and Lesbian Society, open to all women in Cambridge, UK.
- euro-queer
Devoted to communication among European l/b/g/t activists, organizations and individuals.
- rus-bi
Discussions on lesbianism and bisexuality in Russia and Russian-speaking countries.
- ozbi
For bisexual people, their partners, friends and supporters in Australia.
Overseas bisexuals welcome.
Australian Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals and their Friends.
Focuses on issues related to Asian and Pacific Islander lesbian and bisexual women.
Catering to New Zealand gay, lesbian, bisexual, and other non-heterosexually
identifying people and friendly straights.
Related groups
- uk-poly
For discussion by poly folks or about poly issues, centred and focussed on the UK but allowing others to join. Formed from the old Abundance and poly-amor lists.
- poly
To discuss non-monogamous relationships, polyfidelity, and group marriage, and the various issues that arise in that context, like jealousy, shared housing, marriage laws, sex, etc.
For women in open relationships, primarily for married women who date women
outside of the marriage.
- Gender
For the discussion of gender roles and stereotypes.
- Transgen
Transgen is a list specifically for and about people who are transsexual, transgendered and/or transvestites.
- Ascending Moon
Rape Survivors Healing and Support List.
- Secondary Circle
Supporters of sexual abuse and rape victims or survivors.
Spouse Support list for straight spouses and their bisexual partners.
List for bisexual, gay, or lesbian partners in mixed orientation relationships.
List for straight spouses of bisexual, gay, or lesbian partners.
- List of lesbian mailing lists
Areas marked
have been updated in the last 30 days.
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