Doug's Home Page

Well, I've recently arrived here on [March 1999] and it's great. Nick Smith is a very nice man indeed. Not everything is unpacked from the move, but we're getting there.

It is customary to put disclaimers at the top of Web pages to the effect that they're under development and likely to crash. Bucking this trend, I include the following "claimer":

These pages work. If you encounter difficulties, the problem lies with your browser, your connection or your state of mind. Make the appropriate adjustment.

Latest changes (28 September 1999)

Things to see

O Musings - a diverse selection of various writings, arranged for your viewing pleasure in an easy-to-use format. There's more where this little lot came from.
O Silly Things - a hotch-potch of silly nonsense which is probably a waste of network bandwidth but arguably defensible in the name of entertainment.
O Personal Things - where I indulge my egocentric notion that anyone cares to know anything about my personal details.

Forthcoming attractions

[ensure items are piping hot throughout before consuming]
O Ask Dr Doug - A bisexual pro-feminist agony uncle with a dry sense of humour mud-wrestles with your questions about sex, sexuality and sexual politics. Send your questions in now (to and you could be one of the first lucky winners!

Last modified .