`At Home' with Bethany: My Experimental Web Page

OK, so I nicked the original format off a CD ROM in `The Idiot's Guide to the Internet'. Who says what's not fought for isn't worth having...!

Since then, though, I've added a few frills (like the gorgeous background colours!), and I reckon it's starting to shape up...

So here are some experimental categories and links:


Music and Work.

I'm a Ph.D music student, so don't expect this to be the accessible, groovy bit!

However, if you dig Sibelius's symphonies (or Ph.D abstracts for that matter), this might be just the thing for you. If you're looking for the funky stuff, skip to the categories below!!

My Ph.D Abstract on Music Theory Online

Who is this Sibelius person anyway?! A rather cheesy page with a scowling piccy.

Music Department at Southampton University "It ain't much, but I call it home... "


Zen + Eastern Philosophy

Zen Buddhism FAQs: cute stuff.

The Buddhist Society of Southampton University (though open to non-university interested people). Friendly and welcoming group with a set of pages which explains one view of what it's all about.

Buddhist Studies WWW Sites: various resources.

Tao Te Ching: a particularly excellent translation by S. Mitchell


Bisexual, poly, and feminist

Bi.org: the coolest site around ;-) Includes Bi Community News online, academic and other resources, local bisexual groups, and lots of interesting people's homepages.

Homosexuality according to the bible: would you sow a field with mixed seed, cut your hair or wear polycotton? Good for a laugh,but also a fascinating and scholarly article.

Responsible non-monogamy: an introduction to polyamory by Eric Bloomquist

SCUM Manifesto by Valerie Solanas. A feminist must-read.

Feminist links including the rather fabby All Men Must Die page.

Girl Tech: cheerful and direct feminism for girls. Show it to your favourite pre-adolescent... or just read it yourself. (*I* do...)


Fun and Games

Choral Society: star quality as Bethany conducts the masses...

Paragliding: "Birds fly over the rainbow, why, then, oh why can't I..." Could it be because the weather here is *persistently* too crap??

The Useless Pages. Laugh? I nearly got thrown out of the computer room. I can't possibly explain this - just go and have a look at this massive collection of links.

Musical instrument jokes: `Aaron's Semi-Comprehensive Bonanza Page. All the viola/bassoon/conductor gags you've ever heard, and then some. Includes a particularly good selection of lightbulb jokes.


Lovely people

Me and my mates, and my mates' mates... Well not as yet, more a fairly random collection of Lovely People - those who happen to have their own homepage! Some are rampant geniuses at this type of thing, some are mere paddlers like me...

Victoria Vaughan

Music psychologist, dramatic director and conductor extraordinaire, this woman will mess with your head... creatively!

Nick Smith

In his own words, a "godlike being" without whom (admittedly) this page would not be here. However, no responsibility whatsoever for the choice of background colours on this page accrues to him.

Lucy Parfitt

Lovely Lucy whose page is a feline fancier's delight. Or if you feel like strutting your stuff on the ballroom floor, she'll sort you out.

Nicholas Reilly

A special friend from way-back when, with a homepage in complete contrast to mine. For fast cars, euphonium music and electronic gadgets, he's your man!

Richard Davis

Is he a percussionist...a mathmo...a part-time nutter...? Well, yes, but he's also the president of the choral society and so I'd better watch what I say. This background has to be seen to be believed.



Pretty pictures of the Finnish countryside ...apparently... if you can ever get it to load...

Lovely Magdalen College, Oxford ... my spiritual home and Alma Mater...

These links are prone to change, in some cases when I find some more interesting ones!!

You could email me: it's bethany@bi.org Which links did you follow up here? Did you find what you might have come looking for? Let me know!

Background graphics selected from those courtesy of

-------- Rowdy's RamPage (pastel rainbow; also stripey bar icon)

-------- Bordertown by Sharon (orange border)

Come back soon, it's changing all the time!!

There have been incidences of fascinating and wonderful people (yes, including YOU!) alighting on this page since it appeared in the world on, ooh, some day around the middle of January 1997.