The Internet domain bi.org sits on a 300Mhz Pentium-class machine, 64Mb SDRAM, 8.4Gb hard disc, running Debian Linux, bought with donations from bi.org users. The machine is hosted at Oaktree Internet Solutions in Coventry, England.
This server is running;
- Apache, the most popular WWW server in the world. We run this with virtual domains so that multiple 'sites' can share the same physical machine.
- PHP server side scripting by Rasmus Lerdorf. This fantastic scripting language lets us have standard header/footer functions, database access to page counters, etc. without the need for any weighty cgi-bin scripts, because PHP runs as a module built directly into the Apache server. Source code for our scripts is freely available.
- Exim mail transport agent by Philip Hazel. A worthy successor to Smail.
- Majordomo mailing list manager.
- IMAP4 mail server from the University of Washington.
- PINE mail user agent from the University of Washington.
- Analog WWW statistics package by Stephen Turner.
- ht://Dig search engine.
- Big Brother WWW
link checker by François Pottier.
- Weblint HTML syntax
and style checker by Neil Bowers.
- MySQL SQL database engine by T.c.X. DataKonsultAB
- ProFTPD FTP server.
Pages were designed by the WebMaster using;
- Acorn RiscPC workstation running RISCOS, ARM610 processor.
- Free dialup Internet provided by my employers, ANT Limited of Cambridge.
- ANT Internet Suite package, in particular the Fresco WWW browser.
- !Creator image translation software by John Kortink.
- !Photodesk image processing software from Spacetech software.
- !Zap programmers editor by Dominic Symes (with HTML mode by Matthew Hambley).
- !InterGif GIF conversion/optimisation software by Peter Hartley.
- Cuneiform OCR was used to scan in endless pages of text that was only available in paper form (eg, back issues of "Assume Nothing" for the CUSU LesBiGay pages). Many thanks to Cognitive Technology Corporation who let us have a free copy of their excellent package.
...and then tested on Fresco, Lynx and NetScape WWW browsers. All pages should be HTML 3.2 conformant - checked weekly by Weblint. Links are checked weekly using Big Brother.
Restricted access status information;
/* Give different HTML if from an host in the wrong domain */
if (strstr($REMOTE_HOST, ".ant.co.uk")):
echo "- Server status.\n";
echo "
- Server configuration.\n";
echo "
- Server status.\n";
echo "
- Server configuration.\n";
The above 2 links are restricted using a PHP domain-restriction function (so that if you aren't coming from the correct machine(s), they don't even appear as links).
new gzip_encode();