[world news]BiWorld International News


August 1996

The news from the USA is now ready! But first, we thought you might enjoy the following poem. It was read during the Queer Youth SpeakOut, the first lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth forum at a national political event -- namely, the Republican National Convention (August 13, 1996, San Diego, CA). This event was sponsored by LGBT VOICES '96.

If you want to jump directly to the news, just click here.

Borrowed Tongue

by Roland Sintos Coloma

I share with you in a borrowed tongue
        since my home languages are denied
I cannot speak about
                        my pagkatao
                        mi alma
                        my existence
        without telling you
                        my anger
                        my pain
                        my erasure
                        mi familia
                        my people
        so that you understand
We live in a world of dichotomy
        where it is
                        white or colored
                        male / female
                        Christian / sinner
                        rich / welfare
                        citizen / immigrant
                        legal / border crosser
                        straight or gay
I want to disrupt these either/or boundaries
        and liberate my self, my soul
I affirm my multiple and complex
        at times conflicting
        identities and lives
I am an immigrant from the Philippines
        from a working class
        Catholic family
I am an Asian and Pacific Islander
        a product of affirmative action
        and an educational prison
                        that speaks
                        but does not listen
                        to me
I am a self-identified
        out and proud bisexual
        with fluid attractions and desires
Don't box me in
                        because I am claustrophobic
Don't make me choose
                        because I won't
Don't welcome me
                        when it is only convenient for you
Don't assume and pretend
        that you know me
                        my needs
                        my concerns
                        my communities
        because you don't
I don't want to be last
I am not an afterthought
This is who I am
I am proud to call myself queer
        and stand with sisters and brothers
        who identify themselves as
        who recognize and call on
                        and monosexism
I pay homage to our foremothers and forefathers
        who risked their lives, families and careers
        so that we can gather here today
I draw the energies of the people who cannot join us
        due to the violence and oppression
        that continue to
                        and push us back
I share with you my voice
                        my politics
                        my mind
                        my self
I control my body
                        my decisions
                        my actions
                        my self
I use and speak this borrowed tongue
        so that you understand
                        you don't use it
                        against me
        so that we can talk
                        to one another
        so that we can work

And now, the news...

Northeast Region

The third annual BiCamp was held on August 2-4, 1996 at Red Mill Brook National Forest in Southern Vermont. Campers provide d their own tent, food, and transportation (sharing was encouraged). Clothing-optional swimming was just a short drive away at "The Ledges," New England's premier naturist fresh water swimming location. All this was for the low price of $15 to $35. Biversity Boston asked campers to contribute according to their ability. See you there next year!

Tri-State Region [NY - CT - NJ]

The second Bisexual Pride March in New York City was held on June 29th. The march started in Washington Square Park and proceeded west through Greenwich Village.

The Tri-State Region held a regional conference on July 19- 20 at the NYC Gay and Lesbian Community Services Center. The agenda began with a reception on Friday evening followed by workshops on Saturday morning. On Saturday afternoon, there was open discussion and forum.

A Bi-Friendly Orientation was held on June 11 at the Charas Center in New York City. The event was co-sponsored by the Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center, the New York Area Bisexual Network (NYABN), and BiRequest. The stated purpose of the orientation was to introduce bi-friendly groups to the bisexual community and introduce bisexual groups to the les/bi/gay/trans community. 50-60 groups were represented and the orientation was a good opportunity for individuals to meet representatives from many groups and learn about the wide range of activities available in the greater NYC area.

Mid-Atlantic Region

The Mid-Atlantic Region just held its second annual Regional Retreat. Despite cold rainy weather, the participants' spirits were not dampened and everyone felt it was a success. A post-retreat meeting was held last week to discuss what worked, what didn't work, and what could be better.

A committee, with representation from three states and the District of Columbia, was formed to start work on the third annual retreat. The first order of business is a survey to find out what ideas Mid-Atlantic bi's have. The second order of business was fundraising. Planning Committee members from several cities agreed to hold local fund-raisers. For more information about the Mid-Atlantic Retreat, to participate in the retreat survey, or for general information about the Mid-Atlantic Region, contact Marcella or Margaret, the regional delegates.

The BiNetwork of DC held a pre-Pride party in a private home on Saturday night, June 8. The party included donated pizza and many other goodies, and gave local bisexuals the opportunity to gear up for the DC Freedom Festival held on June 9th. There was also a BNDC/BiNet USA Mid-Atlantic Region booth at the Freedom Festival.

There will be a BiNet/DC-sponsored social Youth Group (under 30) starting. The first gathering was held on July 9 at Food for Thought in the Dupont Circle. Anyone bi person under 30 is welcome. Please spread the word, and if you have any questions, you can contact Heidi at heidijo@wam.umd.edu.

Southeast Region

Donna Persinger and Kate Clemm, with the assistance of Davyd and Renee Seay, of North Carolina Bisexual Network (NCBiNet) conducted a successful "Bisexuality 101" workshop at NC Pride 96 in Winston-Salem, NC on June 9th. According to local participants, there has never been any kind of organized bisexual group in the Triad (Winston-Salem, High Point, and Greensboro, NC), but there were nearly 30 bisexuals who attended the workshop. As a direct result of the workshop, and the networking that ensued, there is a great interest in forming a Triad bisexual network, and NCBiNet gained nine new members. On the following day, rally bi speaker Kathy Grim gave a thoughtful and well received speech, and a group of high-spirited bisexuals turned out for the march, accompanied by some of our gay, lesbian, straight, and transgender partners and supporters who joined us behind the NCBiNet banner.

North Carolina has two other general queer pride events this year, and members of NCBiNet and other bisexual groups have been invited to participate. At Down East Pride in Greenville, NC, NCBiNet has been invited to conduct a workshop, and Kate Clemm has been asked to speak at the rally on September 14. OUTCharlotte, the last NC state-wide queer festival of the year which boasts Charlotte bi activist Amy Sturkey on its board of directors, is currently working on its itinerary for its celebration in October.

In the Gainesville area, The Independent (a straight but not narrow publication) published a series of interviews and articles purportedly designed to allow readers to "meet" the gay community. It included interviews and pieces from members of the gay, lesbian, and transgender communities, but nothing at all about bisexuals. In response, Kate Clemm sent a letter to the editor.

Bisexuals and transgender people received local network coverage on the ABC affiliate channel in Gainesville, FL. Members of the Gainesville Bisexual Alliance were each quoted twice, complete with our organizational affiliation under our names. This coverage was a focus on Pride events going on in the area. Rob Boyte was quoted saying, "You don't have to be gay. You don't have to be straight. There's a lot of us who have a tendency that we can experience sexuality with either gender, and it's perfectly natural." The Gainesville Bisexual Alliance banner was shown briefly two or three times. Ann Shranz was probably the first person to say "transgender" on Channel 20, and Rob Boyte was probably the first person to define "bisexual" on the local newscast. Gainesville is also forming its first transgender support group.

Midwest Region

Minneapolis Pride was held on June 21-23. Bi and trans visibility were reflected in the pride committee, the entertainment, the parade, and the booths. Local bi groups, along with BiNet Midwest, occupied two booths at the festivities. There is much going on in the twin cities area in the bi community, so please get involved!

If you live in the Lincoln, NE area, there will be a new bi group starting in the fall. If you are interested or know of anyone who is interested, please contact Wendy Naumann at wnaumann@unlinfo.unl.edu or mail to 1626 D Street, #304, Lincoln, NE 68502. The purpose of the group will be for socializing and support.

The Midwest Region is still looking for someone to be a regional delegate. The region is also looking for a volunteer(s) to host the Fall Regional Meeting which is primarily a business meeting. If you are interested in either the delegate position or Fall meeting or know someone who is, please contact Wendy Naumann (information above).

Central Region

No news as of now.

South Central Region

No news as of now.

Southwest Region

Ron Owens, the BiNet regional delegate, was present at The Sexual Diversity Conference for Sexual Minority Youth where Dr. Jocelyn Elder was the keynote speaker. The conference was well attended and bi inclusive. Ron spoke with Dr. Elder and handed her two brochures from the Bi Youth Initiative.

BiNet Arizona was visible at the "Pride Without Borders" festival hosting an information booth and handing out a great deal of literature. The festival included "bisexual" in the language describing the event, and BiNet Arizona was active in answering questions and gaining a few new members.

Bisexuality (Ron Owens) was also represented on a panel for a Glendale Community College human sexuality class. Last year's panel was reported to be very heated and negative. Ron did an excellent job of answering questions and allowing class members to ask personal questions about his triad family unit. Another wonderful example of how bi visibility educates us all.

BiNet Arizona is planning to continue to meet its mission of bi visibility. They will be introducing a Web page sometime in July to cyberspace. The local youth program, "Valley One In Ten", is working towards an alliance with the Bisexual Youth Initiative. BiNet Arizona is also working on coalition building with Valley of the Sun Community Center and Arizona Central Pride. Please contact Ron Owens at 602/280-9074 if you are interested in learning more about BiNet Arizona

Northwest Region

Currently this region has no Delegates and it would be great to get these 2 positions filled quickly, so that the NW Region is represented at this year's Annual Meeting in San Francisco. Anyone interested in volunteering as an Interim Delegate is asked to contact Alexei Guren at 206-726-8854.

Pacific Coast & Islands Region

Beginning in May, various Pride parades and festivals occurred at numerous cities and towns across the state. Bisexual visibility campaigns were held at the Long Beach, Los Angeles, Sacramento and San Francisco Pride events through booths, bi-info distribution and by modifying the event's name to include bisexuals. The bi groups in these areas truly deserved big pats on their backs for coordinating the booths and volunteers, raising the necessary funding, and continuing our mission to educate and create a more inclusive community. These activists ensured that the events affirmed the international theme of "Pride Without Borders" by representing and advocating on behalf of bisexuals in these lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer festivals.

BiPOL is playing a major role in organizing the annual BiNet USA meeting which will be held August 16-18 in San Francisco. BiPOL has launched successful fundraising efforts, and coordinated other logistical details such as housing, registration, meeting spaces, publicity, volunteers and invitations to local leaders.

The Blade, Orange County's queer news/magazine, ran an extensive issue in June regarding the issue of bisexuality. Some of the featured writers are Lani Kaahumanu, national coordinator Gary North, and regional delegate Francine Turner. Topics that were covered ranged from the bi movement, bi's in Orange County, to political process and Lani's bid for the Democratic vice presidential position. Following the lead of Frontiers magazine which ran a bisexual issue last Winter, the Blade finally recognizes the contribution, politics and realities of bisexuals.

Roland Sintos Coloma, one of the regional delegates for this area, was selected to participate in the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force's Youth Leadership Institute this summer, and underwent a week-long training in northern California with over two dozen queer youth from diverse geographical, ethnic, social and sexual orientation backgrounds. Roland also joined NGLTF's actions directed towards the Republican National Convention in San Diego, where I met other bi organizers and community folks. With this training, Roland would like to accomplish two things: (1) to provide better services, resources and networks for queer youth, and (2) to advocate for bisexual inclusion, representation and education.

Roland is also compiling a listing of all bi-specific and -inclusive organizations, rap/discussion groups and centers in the California and Pacific region with the ambitious hope that communication lines and resource sharing can be improved. So Roland would like to hear from all bi folks in this region, especially those in the Islands, and request that you provide him with your organization name, contact person, mailing and e-mail addresses, and phone number. Feel free to drop him a line by e-mail at rscoloma@pop.ucr.edu or mail him a postcard at POB 56829, Riverside, CA 92521. Let me know of your upcoming events and their outcomes as well so that we can include them in our next regional update. Until then ... In Unity!

Filed by:

Regional News Editor
Wendy Naumann

2544 P Street
Lincoln, NE 68510
(402) 476-0314